Agatha Gothe-Snape

2013 - 2015
Agatha Gothe-Snape's conceptual practice relates closely to improvisational performance. Its often ephemeral material basis tracks our relationships to each other, to art and art contexts and histories. It takes many forms - pedestrian performances, endlessly looped PowerPoint slide shows, workshops, digital collages diagrams, visual scores and collaboratively produced art objects whose production is implicated within a performance the limits of which are ambiguous and up for negotiation.
Often employing conversations, directions, choreographies or instructions, she works with other artists, dancers, actors and audiences to create critical responses to institutional, social, and historical contexts. The resulting artwork could be anything from a dance through a gallery, an invisible play that brings to light the way we operate in gallery contexts, a large instructional text/wall work, or a collective remembrance of art history.